Swimming Underwater, 2011
Swimming Underwater, 2011
Medium: Acrylic paint, marker, plexiglas
Size: 20" x 24"
This art piece is inspired by the technological advancements in society and their affects on nature. The force of nature is fighting with human intervention and creating new creatures, obstacles and violence. As nature starts to drown the world, human robots are struggling to survive underwater.
Balinese Fantasia, 2010
Balinese Fantasia, 2010
Medium: Oil paint, gold leaf
Size: 11.75" x 15.75"
This painting is inspired by performance traditions in East Asia. Rama (a highly refined character) is dancing elegantly to fight Ravanna (the multi-headed monster). All the while, Hanuman (the monkey god) carries Sita to find her husband. Other fantastical characters are fighting with each other and appear as genetic abnormalities of birds fused with snakes and elephants with rabbits. These fantastical creates are painted with gold leaf and replace traditional religious figures that were painted in gold.
A Way of Life: Composition IV, 2009
A Way of Life: Composition VI, 2009
Medium: Oil paint
Size: 40" x 60"
This painting is inspired by Kandisky's "Composition VI" painting, as well as "Picture with Red Stain". It is meant to tell a story through color associations and biases. The viewer can enter the painting through different "tunnels" and travel around based on his/her particular history. I explore color properties and try to bring out color biases in ways that may evoke an emotional response. In addition, the painting strives to create a sense of pictorial space and movement. I primarily used organic forms that are thin and delicate while others are round and bulbous. These organic forms are often juxtaposed with semi-geometric shapes and lines to bring a sense of familiarity to the viewer.
Ju-Jitsu: The Gentle Art, 2009
Ju-Jitsu: The Gentle Art, 2009
Medium: Oil paint
Size: 36" x 40"
The painting captures the intense contact sport of ju-jitsu. While the sport appears fast and violent, it is also very elegant and graceful. I wanted to depict the intense and tumultuous movements which often occur in a circle and appear to go back and forth in time, while displaying moments of freedom and tranquility. I decided to emphasize hands as they are a very important part of this physical art form. While observing mixed martial arts, I found the way the hands circulated and battled with each other was very intriguing and beautiful. Hands can portray strikingly different expressions. I wanted to capture their aggressiveness and their peacefulness. I did this through the use of calm motionless green and concentric yellow hues. This painting strives to capture Kandinsky's philosophy of expressionism of the inner harmony through forms and color.