The Bold and the Beautiful, 2012
The Bold and the Beautiful, 2012
Medium: Digital print, polyester, fabric
Size: 25" x 25"
A digital print inspired by Joseph Albers and Wassily Kandinsky's color theory. The piece is meant to represent the ephemeral media dimensions of beauty, fashion and identity. The title references a soap opera which addresses issues of femininity and beauty through design and fabric.
Lightness, 2012
Lightness, 2012
Medium: Digital print, polyester, fabric
Size: 25" x 25"
This piece is inspired by Joseph Albers and Wassily Kandinsky's color theory. The work is meant to represent the beauty in subtleness. Elegance can be bold within the context of a kind and a soft approach. The work is meant to stimulate a psychological conversation regarding color biases.
Stand Out, 2012
Stand Out!, 2012
Medium: Digital print, polyester, fabric
Size: 25" x 25"
This piece is inspired by Joseph Albers and Wassily Kandinsky's color theory. The work is meant to represent women's struggle to be unique and stand out. The work juxtaposes stark lines and saturated colors to represent the competitive nature of females yet their enduring fight to be beautiful and elegant. The art work strives to display color harmonies and their dependence on line quality and contextual hues.