The Boston Globe, Kledia Spiro, "Drawing in Air," 2023, gloss enamel on wood, ultrasonic speakers and sensors, wood, momentary switch, 5V fan, cheesecloth, essential oil.ALONSO NICHOLS
THE BOSTON GLOBE, KLEDIA SPIRO: TOO (UN)FAMILIAR? Like many this last year, Spiro, a multimedia artist and weightlifter born in Albania, contemplated what home means. She rooted herself in the landscape of the Wachusett Reservoir, reflecting on the constancy of nature and the changes of an immigrant’s life. In photos and a video here, she ties the themes together, attempting to literally do what many children of immigrants do figuratively: Lift her parents up.
Two NYC Art Fairs Remind Us It’s Okay to Start Anew
Artist and Weightlifter Kledia Spiro lifts up young voices
Emergency index: An annual document of performance practice, vol. 10
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